Sunday, December 18, 2011

Door Coffee Table

It's been awhile since I posted. I've been busy with school and a big furniture project that I'll post later today or tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to spit out a few small things pretty quickly over Christmas break and post more frequently. 

For this post I have a door that I made into a coffee table. This was a birthday gift the Uithovens had me make to give to their son Luke. They picked out the door at a flea market in Flowood and Mr. Uithoven cleaned it up. Then I sanded it lightly to get some of the leftover dirt and grime off. 
beautiful door; tall and skinny five-panel closet door maybe? 
From there it was pretty simple: just measure and cut. Then I attached the legs to the top and put a coat of rub-on polyurethane to give it protection and liven the wood a little, while still keeping the natural look.

after being assembled but before polyurethane
after polyurethane; final product minus the knob
I added some iron brackets, mainly for stability and Mr. Uithoven added a knob to finish it off. 

Thanks to the Uithovens for the job. I really like the way it turned out.

Hopefully I'll get some more posts up soon. Until then...

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